The glObl Culture offers a holistic mental health care alternative through therapeutic projects leveraging Music, Social Engagement and Art.
Because there is still over-reliance on the use of Antipsychotics and other Phermacologic
treatments in aging, rehab and foster care fercilities. Despite limited efficacy data and
increased mortality. TGC offers a holistic mental health care alternative through therapeutic
project sleveraging
Inspiring creative expression through therapeutic art with music project,
while developing community eco-nourishment practice.
Offering an alternative to the way the world treats mental health. The glObl culture company is dedicate to escalating the usage of non pharmacological therapy for mental health care.
"The arts are a critical component of healthcare. Expressive art is a tool to explore, develop and practice creativity as a to wellness."
Wellarts Association.
When used properly, music can be an incredibly powerful treatment tool and learning tool. "After exposure to major mode music, cortisol level drops dramatically, implying pleasant music, reduces stress and post stress responses."
NeuroReport 2008.
Social Engagement
"Studies shows social contact and friendly conversations impact the key component of mental activity-executive function."
University of Michigan ISR.
Interested in hosting a intitiative?
TGC offers projects utilizing visuals/techincal arts, music listening/performance, eco-nourishment practice and social engagement to develop the youth, inspire sustainability and offer holistic health alternatives.